Sara Kazemi

Sara Kazemi (they/she) is interested in topics intersecting cognitive science, computer science, linguistics, and education. In addition to being a graduate research assistant for the Jill Watson project with the DILab, they create developer-centered technical learning content at Okta.

Learn more about them here: 

Brittany Harbison

Brittany Harbison is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science at Georgia Tech. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Tennessee Tech, where she also served as a research assistant for projects related to pedestrian flow and operations research. At DILab, Brittany serves as a research assistant for the SAMI project.

Her research interests include Natural Language Processing, High-performance Machine Learning, and general AI. In her free time, she enjoys playing RPG and strategy video games, as well as painting miniatures.

Jared Gage

Jared Gage is pursuing a master’s in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and has professionally worked in data analytics and engineering within multiple industries. He is a graduate research assistant for the DILab w, specifically on data engineering and anonymization efforts. He received a BS from UCLA in Cognitive Science and Computing. Jared’s research interests include Neural-inspired AI systems and High Performance ML.