Ashok Goel presented two posters at the First Conference on Advances in Cognitive Systems in Menlo Park, California. The first poster described Joshua Jones work on “Conceptual Semantics of Domain Knowledge in Learning by Correcting Mistakes,” and the second poster described Swaroop Vattam’s work on “Interactive Analogical Retrieval.” Ashok was also a member of the organizing committee of the conference.
Author Archive: LabManager
Ashok, Swaroop and Russ complete the NSF I*Corps program
Ashok Goel, Swaroop Vattam and Russell Clark were selected to participate in the NSF I*Corps program in the Oct-Nov 2012 cohort at University of Michigan.
Paper accepted to Conference on Systems Engineering Research
David Joyner, David Majerich, and Ashok Goel have had a paper accepted to the 2013 conference on Systems Engineering Research, to be held at Georgia Tech in March. The paper presents an overview of the tools developed and tested during last year’s summer camp.
Ashok Goel gives talk at TEDxPeachtree
Professor Ashok K. Goel gave a talk at TEDxPeachtree: “Does Our Future Require Us to Go Back to Nature?” From TEDx: “Ashok Goel challenges well-worn notions of design and creativity and makes a powerful case for bio-inspired design wherein nature serves as the ultimate inspiration for design innovation and sustainability.”
Swaroop Vattam’s dissertation selected for CoC Dissertation Award
Swaroop Vattam’s dissertation was one among the
Yuqi Zhang
I am a visiting research student coming from China. I am new comer here and is getting familiar with the teammates now.
My research area was mainly focused on data mining in my home university, and I used to be a web tool tester(.Net/C#) intern in Intel, but I love to try new things.
BID really interests me, and is also a new challenge to me.I hope to learn as much as I can during the stay here and become good friends with everyoneO(∩_∩)O
I love vegetable and fruit, but having few fight of meat+_+
If you are interested in China or Chinese Language or anything about China, please feel free to talk to me(*^__^*)
Mikhail Jacob
I’m a second year Master’s student in Computer Science, specialising in Interactive Intelligence. I have worked on the GAIA project since my first semester, working on adapting agents for Tic Tac Toe and its variants. I believe that games are the perfect test bed for all kinds of serious research and this is one such project involving self-adaptation and meta-thinking in game playing agents.
In general, I am interested in how creative AI systems can foster an understanding of creativity and its role in cognition and the human experience. I am also deeply interested in the interplay between affect and creativity and a firm believer in AI’s original dream of Artificial General Intelligence.
Spencer Rugaber

Dr. Spencer Rugaber is a faculty member in the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research interests are in the area of Software Engineering, specifically reverse engineering and program comprehension, software evolution and maintenance and software design. Dr. Rugaber has served as Program Director for the Software Engineering and Languages Program at the U. S. National Science Foundation and as as Vice-Chairman of the IEEE Technical Committee on Reverse Engineering.
Daniel Connelly
Daniel completed his master’s degree in computer science in the Design & Intelligence Laboratory.
He completed his bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics at Georgia Tech, worked full-time at MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory on defense research projects, and twice taught an advanced high school mathematics course at a charter school in Atlanta. He also works with Georgia Tech’s Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing on course design and evaluation.
His academic interests include software engineering, programming languages and compilers, and artificial intelligence. He conducted his master’s project work on software development process and language implementation for the GAIA meta-reasoning project.
Daniel’s personal web site and blog can be found at He now works at Google as a full-time software engineer.