
Python implementations of some of the classic AI programs from Peter Norvig’s fantastic textbook “Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming.”

Visit the main PAIP-Python site here.

This is meant to be a learning resource for beginning AI programmers. Although PAIP is a fantastic book, it is no longer common for students to have a background in Lisp programming, as many universities have replaced Lisp with other languages in introductory programming and introductory artificial intelligence courses. It is my hope that making the programs from PAIP available in a commonly-taught language will provide a useful hands-on resource for beginning AI students.

These programs were written by Daniel Connelly at Georgia Tech as an independent project supervised by Professor Ashok Goel.

Papers accepted at Cogsci 2013

Maithilee Kunda and Swaroop Vattam have both had papers accepted for poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, which will take place in Berlin, Germany, this summer.  Congrats!

Visit from Professor Li Shu

Professor Li Shu from University of Toronto visited DILab. She gave a talk entitled “Biological analogies and environmental lead-user insights as sources of ideas for conceptual design,” and engaged in a productive discussion on the use of natural language processing in biologically inspired design.

Bryan Wiltgen presents poster at GTRIC

At the Georgia Tech Research & Innovation Conference (a.k.a., GTRIC), Bryan Wiltgen presented a poster that he co-authored with Dr. Ashok K. Goel. The poster was titled “Towards an Artificial Teammate: Understanding Team Interactions in Biologically Inspired Design”.