Nicolas Papin graduates with a B.S. in computer science

Nicolas Papin graduated with a BS in CS. At DILab, Nicolas worked on the Systems Thinking project. In particular, he helped develop an interactive technology called MILA for helping middle school students learn about ecological systems. He joined Google in Los Angeles upon graduation. (Congratulations Nicolas. Way to go!)

David Joyner

David Joyner is Executive Director of Online Education & OMSCS in Georgia Tech’s College of Computing. His research focuses on online education and learning at scale, especially as they intersect with for-credit offerings at the graduate and undergraduate levels. His emphasis is on designing learning experiences that leverage the opportunities of online learning to compensate for the loss of synchronous collocated class time. This includes leveraging artificial intelligence for student support and assignment evaluation, facilitating student communities in large online classes, and investigating strategies for maintainable and interactive presentation of online instructional material. As part of his work, Joyner teaches online versions of CS6460: Educational Technology, CS6750: Human-Computer Interaction, CS7637: Knowledge-Based AI, and CS1301: Introduction to Computing. He is also Vice-Chair of the Steering Committee for the ACM Learning @ Scale conference, as well as the General Chair for the 2019 and 2020 conferences.

Joyner has received several awards for his work in teaching online, including the 2019 USG Regents’ Teaching Excellence Award for Online Teaching, 2018 Georgia Tech Center for Teaching & Learning Curriculum Innovation Award, and the 2016 Georgia Tech College of Computing Lockheed Excellence in Teaching Award.

Visit David at

VITA: Visual Thinking

Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by atypical behaviors in three different areas: social interaction, communication, and stereotyped or repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. Classic autism is one of several related conditions that comprise Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs), also known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs). While the specific causes of autism are unknown, its etiology can be traced through genetic and environmental factors, brain development and functioning, cognition, and finally, behavioral manifestations.

We hypothesize that certain individuals on the autism spectrum exhibit a bias towards using visual instead of verbal mental representations for various tasks. This “thinking in pictures” form of cognition has been introspectively reported by many individuals on the autism spectrum, such as Temple Grandin, a high-functioning adult with autism who has written several autobiographical books touching on this notion.

Evaluating this hypothesis raises several research questions, for instance: 1) Do some individuals on the autism spectrum think in pictures, and if so, how can we identify them? 2) What kinds of visual mental representations are being used, how are they different, if at all, from neurotypical visual representations, and how are they recruited to perform various cognitive tasks? 3) What advances can be made in assessment, communication, and education, given this information about types of mental representations?

We are addressing these and other questions through a combination of designing behavioral studies intended to tease apart differences in mental representations and using computational models to make and evaluate precise specifications of various representational forms. Our long term goals include developing a set of design principles that can be used to construct tools for assessment and education for the autism community.

Biologically-Inspired Design Project Banner

Biologically-Inspired Design


Design by Analogy to Nature Engine


Biologically inspired design, a kind of design by analogy, requires that engineers understand complex biological systems as analogues for design. A number of typical characteristics make biologically inspired design an especially interesting problem to study. (1) By definition, biologically inspired design is based on analogies requiring expertise across two disparate domains (e.g. architecture and biology), and thus is inherently interdisciplinary. (2) Since the objects, relations and processes across domains are very different, design collaborators speak from different lexicons. (3) Since biologists in general seek to understand the functions of designs occurring in nature whereas designers generally seek to generate designs for human needs, they use different methods of investigation and have different perspectives on design. (4) The resources, such as materials and processes, available in nature to realize an abstract design concept are very different from the resources available in the human domain.

Despite many pioneering and valiant efforts, the fact is that at present there is no science of biologically inspired design, and its practice remains scattered, empirical, and ad hoc. This raises many basic questions such as: How do biologists and engineers work together in teams? How do they generate new design ideas? How do they understand biological systems? What external knowledge representations of biological systems may help deepen their understanding? What should we teach in courses on biologically inspired design and how should we teach it? While these questions are critical to developing a science of biologically inspired design, they also provide a great opportunity to explore fundamental questions about cognition.




Image Credit:

The “Biologically-Inspired Design Project Banner” image on our website incorporates the following works. All of these listed works are licensed under Creative Commons CC BY 2.0:

MILA: Systems Thinking

The Systems Thinking project at the Design & Intelligence lab broadly focuses on teaching students at various levels to engage in thinking about complex, and especially ecological, systems. The project specifically addresses multiple specific tasks and abilities:

  • Helping students understand complex systems through the construction of structure-behavior-function models (Goel et al. 2010; Goel et al. 2013).
  • Providing feedback on model construction through dynamically-generated invokable simulations based on conceptual models (Vattam, Goel, & Rugaber 2010; Joyner, Goel, & Papin 2014).
  • Facilitating the broader process of scientific inquiry, grounded in model construction (Joyner, Majerich, & Goel 2013).
  • Providing personalized feedback on modeling and inquiry through metacognitive tutoring agents (Joyner & Goel 2014).

The Systems Thinking project has been under active development for over ten years. Over one thousand students have used the tools constructed within the project. The first of these tools, the Aquarium Construction Toolkit (ACT), allowed students to construct structure-behavior-function models of aquaria based on investigation of a classroom aquarium. The second tool, the Ecological Modeling Toolkit (EMT), built and expanded on ACT by generalizing the construction of models out into various ecological systems, such as ponds, lakes, and estuaries. The third and current tool, the Modeling & Inquiry Learning Application (MILA), augments the modeling process with multiple tools for inquiry to facilitate model-based inquiry in addition to modeling alone.

Paper accepted to Educational Technology and Society

March 31, 2010- The following paper is accepted for publication in Educational Technology and Society:

Swaroop S. Vattam, Ashok K. Goel, Spencer Rugaber, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan, Steven Gray & Suparna Sinha. Understanding Complex Natural Systems by Articulating Structure-Behavior-Function Models. Accepted for Educational Technology & Society, Special Issue on Creative Design; to appear in print fall 2010.

Papers accepted to Design Theory and Methods

March 27, 2010- The following two papers are accepted for presentation to the 2010 ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methods to be held in Montreal, Canada in August 2010.

Michael Helms, Swaroop Vattam & Ashok Goel. The Effects of Functional Modeling on Understanding Complex Biological Systems. To appear in Proc. 2010 ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methods, Montreal, Canada, August 2010.

Swaroop Vattam, Michael Helms & Ashok Goel. Biologically Inspired Design: A Macrocognitive Account. To appear in Proc. 2010 ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methods, Montreal, Canada, August 2010.