Misc. July 2010 News

July 2010- Keith McGreggor and Maithilee Kunda organize the AAAI-2010 workshop on Visual Representation and Reasoning in Atlanta. Keith also gives a talk on “A Fractal Analogy Approach to Raven’s Test of Intelligence” to the workshop.

Ashok Goel gives the keynote talk on “Meta-Reasoning for Self-Adaptation in Intelligent Agents” to the AAAI-2010 workshop on Meta-Cogniton.

Ashok Goel gives an invited talk on “Reflection in Action” to the AAAI-2010 workshop on Goal-Directed Autonomy.

Joshua Jones gives a talk on “Effects of Faulty Knowledge Engineering on Structured Classification Learning” to the AAAI-2010 workshop on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation.

Julia Svoboda joins DILab as a post-doctoral fellow. She will work on the EMT project on learning about complex systems in middle school science.

Misc. May 2010 News

May 2010- Swaroop Vattam successfully defends his thesis proposal entitled “Mediated Analogy: From Practice to Theory to Technology.” His thesis committee includes Professors Janet Kolodner, Mary Lou Maher, Nancy Nersessian and Jeannette Yen.

Maithilee Kunda presents the paper “Can the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Intelligence Test Be Solved by Thinking in Pictures?” to IMFAR-2010 in Philadelphia.

Joshua Jones graduates with a Ph.D. in Computer Science! Congratulations Josh!

Josh is now a postdoctoral research scientist with Marie des Jardins and Tim Oates at University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Adity Dokania, Shantanu Gupta, Rohan Tewari, Bryan Wiltgen and Deepak Zambre graduate with a M.S. in Computer Science! Congratulations all!

Adity is joining The MathWorks in Boston, Deepak is joining Microsoft in Seattle, and Bryan is joining the Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech in Atlanta.

Jones participates in AIIDE

October 14-16, 2009- Joshua Jones participates in the the Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE-09), Stanford University, California, and presents a poster paper entitled “Adapting Game-Playing Agents to Game Requirements.”

Jones accepted postdoctoral position at Maryland

September 2009- Joshua Jones takes a postdoctoral position at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. AT UMBC, Josh will work with Marie des Jardins and Tim Oates. Way to go, Josh! We will miss you but are happy for you.

The paper “A Computational Model of Visual Analogies in Design. Journal of Cognitive Systems Research,” coauthored by Jim Davies, Ashok Goel & Nancy Nersessian is published in the Journal of Cognitive Systems Research. (Special Issue on Analogies – Integrating Cognitive Abilities, 10:204-215.)

The paper “Biologically Inspired Design: Products and Processes,” coauthored by Michael Helms, Swaroop S. Vattam & Ashok K. Goel is published in the journal Design Studies (30(5):606-622).

Goel presents at Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems

September 15-18, 2009- Ashok Goel presents presents the paper on “Teleological Software Adaptation” to the Third IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems in beautiful San Francisco. The paper is coauthored with Joshua Jones, Chris Parnin, Avik Sinharoy and Spencer Rugaber. He also presents the paper “Metareasoning-based Learning of Classification Hierarchies” to the related IEEE SASO workshop on meta-reasoning. This paper is coauthored with Joshua Jones.