Martie joins DILab, Gupta graduates

December 2009- Lee Martie joins DILab as full-time research scientist. Lee will work primarily on the Game AI project called GAIA. In addition, he will help DILab with technical issues. Welcome Lee.

Shantanu Gupta graduates with a MS in Computer Science! Shantanu worked on the Augur project on meta-reasoming. Congratulations Shantanu!

Goel presents at Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems

September 15-18, 2009- Ashok Goel presents presents the paper on “Teleological Software Adaptation” to the Third IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems in beautiful San Francisco. The paper is coauthored with Joshua Jones, Chris Parnin, Avik Sinharoy and Spencer Rugaber. He also presents the paper “Metareasoning-based Learning of Classification Hierarchies” to the related IEEE SASO workshop on meta-reasoning. This paper is coauthored with Joshua Jones.

DILab advertises for two postdoc positions

July 2009- Design & Intelligence Laboratory advertises two postdoctoral research scientists positions. One position is in AI Game Playing and Software Agents (the GAIA project) and the other is in AI, Learning Sciences and Educational Technology (the ACT project).