Nicholas Alico
Nicholas Alico is a M.S. student in Computer Science at Georgia Tech, where he is currently
pursuing a Specialization in Machine Learning. Prior to matriculating to Georgia Tech, Nick
graduated from Penn State University and the Schreyer Honors College with a B.S. in
Human-Centered Design and Development with a Focus in HCI. Nick aspires to act as a liaison
across the fields of engineering, UX, and healthcare by addressing challenging problems in a
user-centric manner through research, design, and engineering.
Within the Design Intelligence Lab, Nick conducts research with the VERA team. His prior research experience lies at the intersection of Software Engineering, UX, and HCI, where he conducted research and completed his honors thesis investigating competency-based learning within UX and engineering curriculum led by Dr. Steve Haynes. Outside of GT, Nick currently works as a UX Engineer at Charles River Analytics in Cambridge, MA. Here, he researches, designs, and develops cutting-edge Human-AI applications for research programs in the healthcare, defense, and technology industries.
Nick also enjoys running, traveling, and watching baseball in his free time. To learn more and connect with Nick, please visit his website: https://www.nickalico.me