Jones accepted postdoctoral position at Maryland

September 2009- Joshua Jones takes a postdoctoral position at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. AT UMBC, Josh will work with Marie des Jardins and Tim Oates. Way to go, Josh! We will miss you but are happy for you.

The paper “A Computational Model of Visual Analogies in Design. Journal of Cognitive Systems Research,” coauthored by Jim Davies, Ashok Goel & Nancy Nersessian is published in the Journal of Cognitive Systems Research. (Special Issue on Analogies – Integrating Cognitive Abilities, 10:204-215.)

The paper “Biologically Inspired Design: Products and Processes,” coauthored by Michael Helms, Swaroop S. Vattam & Ashok K. Goel is published in the journal Design Studies (30(5):606-622).

Goel presents at Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems

September 15-18, 2009- Ashok Goel presents presents the paper on “Teleological Software Adaptation” to the Third IEEE Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems in beautiful San Francisco. The paper is coauthored with Joshua Jones, Chris Parnin, Avik Sinharoy and Spencer Rugaber. He also presents the paper “Metareasoning-based Learning of Classification Hierarchies” to the related IEEE SASO workshop on meta-reasoning. This paper is coauthored with Joshua Jones.

Si visits DILab

September 8-9, 2009- Mei Si from UCS Institute of Creative Technology visits DILab. Her talk entitled “Thespian: A Decision-Theoretic Framework for Authoring Interactive Narratives.”

DILab wins CreativeIT Grant

August 2009- DILab wins a major grant from the NSF CreativeIT program. The project is entitled “Computational Tools for Enhancing Creativity in Biologically Inspired Design”, and represents a collaboration between DILab and the Georgia Tech Center for Biologically Inspired Design.

Jones defends Ph.D. dissertation

August 13, 2009- Joshua Jones defends his Ph.D. Dissertation entitled “Empirically-Based Self-Diagnosis and Repair of Domain Knowledge” on August 13. His thesis committee includes Tom Dietterich, Ashok Goel, Alex Gray, Charles Isbell and Ashwin Ram. Congratulations Josh!

DILab advertises for two postdoc positions

July 2009- Design & Intelligence Laboratory advertises two postdoctoral research scientists positions. One position is in AI Game Playing and Software Agents (the GAIA project) and the other is in AI, Learning Sciences and Educational Technology (the ACT project).

Goel presents paper at IJCAI-09 Workshop

July 12, 2009- Ashok Goel presents the paper “Introspective Self-Explanations for Report Generation in Intelligence Analysis” to the IJCAI-09 Workshop on Explanation (EXACT’09). This paper is coauthored with Emile Morse, Anita Raja, Jean Scholtz and John Stasko.

Goel gives talk at IJCAI-09 Workshop

July 11, 2009- Ashok Goel gives an invited talk to the IJCAI-09 workshop on Grand Challenges in Reasoning from Experiences in beautiful Pasadena, California. His talk is entitled “Biological Inspired Design: Human Reasoning from Nature’s Experences.”

DILab wins IES grant

June, 2009- DILAB wins major grant from IES! The US Dept. of Education’s Institute for Education Science has awarded a three-year grant entitled “Systems and Cycles: Using Structure-Behavior-Function Thinking as a Conceptual Tool for Understanding Complex Natural Systems in Middle School Science.” This is an inter-disciplinary, inter-university project involving the Graduate School of Education and the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers University and the College of Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology.

Visual thinking paper accepted to AAAI Fall Symposium

June, 2009- Mathilee Kunda, Keith McGreggor and Ashok Goel’s paper “Addressing the Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test of ‘General’ Intelligence,” has been accepted for presentation at the AAAI Fall Symposium on Multi-representational Architectures for Human-level Intelligence at MIT in October 2009.