April 2010- Deepak Zambre to join Microsoft Research.
Category Archives: News
Li receives Honors Program Challenge Fund Scholarship
April 2010- Jing Li receives Honors Program Challenge Fund Scholarship from the Georgia Tech Honors Program.
Papers accepted to CogSci 2010
The following two papers have been accepted for publication in Proc. 2010 Cognitive Science Conference:
Ashok K. Goel, Swaroop S. Vattam, Spencer Rugaber, David Joyner, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan, Sameer Honwad, Steven Gray, Suparna Sinha. Functional and Causal Abstractions of Complex Systems. To appear in Proc. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cogntive Science Society, Portland, August 2010.
Maithilee Kunda, Keith McGreggor & Ashok Goel. Taking a Look (Literally!) at the Raven’s Intelligence Test: Two Visual Solution Strategies. To appear in Proc. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Cogntive Science Society, Portland, August 2010.
Kunda finalist for Anita Borg Google Scholarship
March 2010- Maithilee Kunda is Finalist for the Anita Borg Google Scholarship!
Gero visits DILab
March 17-18, 2010- Professor John Gero from George Mason University visits DILab.
Goel gives invited talk at Carnegie-Mellon
February 25-26, 2010- Ashok Goel visits Carnegie-Mellon University and gives an invited talk on “Design, Analogy, Creativity.”
Thagard visits DILab
February 19, 2010- Professor Paul Thagard from University of Waterloo, Canada, visits DILab.
Billman visits Dilab
February 11, 2010- Dr. Dorrit Billman from NASA Human Systems Integration Division visits DILab.
Paper accepted to ICLS
January 30, 2010- The following paper has been accepted for presentation to the 2010 ICLS conference in Chicago, June 2010:
Suparna Sinha, Steven Gray, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Rebecca Jordan, Sameer Honwad, Catherine Eberbach, Spencer Rugaber, Swaroop Vattam & Ashok Goel. Appropriating Conceptual Representations: A Case of Transfer in a Middle School Science Teacher. To appear in Proc. Ninth International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Chicago, June 28-29, 2010.
Hirch visits DILab
January 29, 2010- Dr. Haym Hirsh from NSF visits DILab.